about () |
Print version, author and documentation information. |
parseModel (modelDescription) |
Create model from text description. |
setVerboseExceptions (verbose) |
Set the verbosity of exception handling. |
Model classes¶
MuMoTmodel () |
Model class. |
View classes¶
MuMoTview (model, controller[, figure, params]) |
A view on a model. |
MuMoTmultiView (controller, model, views, …) |
Multi-view view. |
MuMoTtimeEvolutionView (model, controller, …) |
Time evolution view on model including state variables and noise. |
MuMoTintegrateView (*args, **kwargs) |
Numerical solution of ODEs plot view on model. |
MuMoTnoiseCorrelationsView (model, …[, …]) |
Noise correlations around fixed points plot view on model. |
MuMoTfieldView (model, controller, …[, …]) |
Field view on model. |
MuMoTvectorView (model, controller, …[, …]) |
Vector plot view on model. |
MuMoTstreamView (model, controller, …[, …]) |
Stream plot view on model. |
MuMoTbifurcationView (model, controller, …) |
Bifurcation view on model. |
MuMoTstochasticSimulationView (model, …[, …]) |
Stochastic-simulations-view view. |
MuMoTmultiagentView (model, controller, SSParams) |
Agent on networks view on model. |
MuMoTSSAView (model, controller, SSParams[, …]) |
View for computational simulations of the Gillespie algorithm to approximate the Master Equation solution. |
Controller classes¶
MuMoTcontroller (paramValuesDict[, …]) |
Controller for a model view. |
MuMoTbifurcationController (paramValuesDict) |
Controller to enable Advanced options widgets for bifurcation view. |
MuMoTtimeEvolutionController (paramValuesDict) |
Controller class to enable Advanced options widgets for simulation of ODEs and time evolution of noise correlations. |
MuMoTstochasticSimulationController (**kwargs) |
Controller for stochastic simulations (base class of MuMoTmultiagentController). |
MuMoTmultiagentController (**kwargs) |
Controller for multiagent views. |
MuMoTmultiController (controllers[, params, …]) |
Multi-view controller. |
Exception classes¶
MuMoTError |
Class to report MuMoT-specific errors. |
MuMoTValueError |
Class to report MuMoT-specific errors arising from incorrect input. |
MuMoTSyntaxError |
Class to report MuMoT-specific errors arising from incorrectly-structured input. |