
class mumot.MuMoTbifurcationView(model, controller, BfcParams, bifurcationParameter, stateVarExpr1, stateVarExpr2=None, figure=None, params=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: mumot.views.MuMoTview

Bifurcation view on model.

__init__(model, controller, BfcParams, bifurcationParameter, stateVarExpr1, stateVarExpr2=None, figure=None, params=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(model, controller, BfcParams, …) Initialize self.
showLogs(tail) Show logs from view.
showLogs(tail: bool = False) → None

Show logs from view.

Parameters:tail (bool, optional) – Flag to show only tail entries from logs. Defaults to False.