Source code for mumot.utils

import math
import numbers
from typing import Optional, List

import numpy as np
from sympy.parsing.latex import parse_latex
from warnings import warn

from . import (

[docs]def about() -> None: """Print version, author and documentation information.""" print("Multiscale Modelling Tool (MuMoT): Version " + __version__) print("Authors: James A. R. Marshall, Andreagiovanni Reina, Thomas Bose") print("Contributors: Robert Dennison, Will Furnass") print("Documentation:")
def _greekPrependify(s: str) -> str: """Prepend two backslash symbols in front of Greek letters to enable proper LaTeX rendering.""" for i, letter in enumerate(consts.GREEK_LETT_LIST_1): if 'eta' in s: s = _greekReplace(s, 'eta', '\\eta') if letter in s: s = _greekReplace(s, letter, consts.GREEK_LETT_LIST_2[i]) # if s[s.find(letter+'_')-1] !='\\': # s = s.replace(letter+'_',GREEK_LETT_LIST_2[i]+'_') return s def _greekReplace(s: str, sub: str, repl: str) -> str: """Auxiliary function for _greekPrependify().""" # if find_index is not minus1 we have found at least one match for the substring find_index = s.find(sub) # loop util we find no (more) match while find_index != -1: if find_index == 0 or (s[find_index - 1] != '\\' and not s[find_index - 1].isalpha()): if sub != 'eta': s = s[:find_index] + repl + s[find_index + len(sub):] else: if s[find_index - 1] != 'b' and s[find_index - 1] != 'z': if s[find_index - 1] != 'h': s = s[:find_index] + repl + s[find_index + len(sub):] elif s[find_index - 1] == 'h': if s[find_index - 2] != 't' and s[find_index - 2] != 'T': s = s[:find_index] + repl + s[find_index + len(sub):] # find + 1 means we start at the last match start index + 1 find_index = s.find(sub, find_index + 1) return s def _doubleUnderscorify(s: str) -> str: """Set underscores in expressions which need two indices to enable proper LaTeX rendering.""" ind_list = [kk for kk, char in enumerate(s) if char == '_' and s[kk + 1] != '{'] if len(ind_list) == 0: return s else: index_MinCharLength = 1 index_MaxCharLength_init = 20 s_list = list(s) for ind in ind_list: ind_diff = len(s_list) - 1 - ind if ind_diff > 5: index_MaxCharLength = min(index_MaxCharLength_init, ind_diff - 5) # the following requires that indices consist of 1 or 2 charcter(s) only for nn in range(4 + index_MinCharLength, 5 + index_MaxCharLength): if s_list[ind + nn] == '}' and s_list[ind + nn + 1] != '}': s_list[ind] = '_{' s_list[ind + nn] = '}}' break return ''.join(s_list) def _count_sig_decimals(digits: str, maximum: Optional[int] = 7) -> int: """Return the number of significant decimals of the input digit string (up to a maximum of 7).""" _, _, fractional = digits.partition(".") if fractional: return min(len(fractional), maximum) else: return 0 def _format_advanced_option(optionName: str, inputValue, initValues, extraParam=None, extraParam2=None): """Check if the user-specified values are within valid range (appropriate subfunctions are called depending on the parameter). parameters for slider widgets return list of length 5 as [value, min, max, step, fixed] parameters for boolean, dropbox, or input fields return list of lenght two as [value, fixed] values is the initial value, (min,max,step) are for sliders, and fixed is a boolean that indciates if the parameter is fixed or the widget should be displayed """ if optionName == 'initialState': (allReactants, _) = extraParam #fixSumTo1 = extraParam2[0] # until we have better information, all views should sum to 1, then use system size to scale fixSumTo1 = True idleReactant = extraParam2[1] initialState = {} # handle initialState dictionary (either convert or generate a default one) if inputValue is not None: for reactant in sorted(inputValue.keys(), key=str): pop = inputValue[reactant] initPop = initValues.get(reactant) if initValues is not None else None # Convert string into SymPy symbol initialState[parse_latex(reactant)] = _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=pop, defaultValueRangeStep=[defaults.MuMoTdefault._agents, defaults.MuMoTdefault._agentsLimits[0], defaults.MuMoTdefault._agentsLimits[1], defaults.MuMoTdefault._agentsStep], initValueRangeStep=initPop, validRange=(0.0, 1.0) if fixSumTo1 else (0, float("inf"))) fixedBool = True else: first = True initValuesSympy = ({parse_latex(reactant): pop for reactant, pop in initValues.items()} if initValues is not None else {}) for reactant in sorted(allReactants, key=str): defaultV = defaults.MuMoTdefault._agents if first else 0 first = False initialState[reactant] = _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=None, defaultValueRangeStep=[defaultV, defaults.MuMoTdefault._agentsLimits[0], defaults.MuMoTdefault._agentsLimits[1], defaults.MuMoTdefault._agentsStep], initValueRangeStep=initValuesSympy.get(reactant), validRange=(0.0, 1.0) if fixSumTo1 else (0, float("inf"))) fixedBool = False # Check if the initialState values are valid if fixSumTo1: sumValues = sum([initialState[reactant][0] for reactant in allReactants]) minStep = min([initialState[reactant][3] for reactant in allReactants]) # first thing setting the values of the idleReactant if idleReactant is not None: idleValue = initialState[idleReactant][0] if idleValue > 1: wrn_msg = f"WARNING! the initial value of reactant {idleReactant} has been changed to {new_val}\n" warn(wrn_msg, exceptions.MuMoTWarning) initialState[idleReactant][0] = new_val # the idleValue have range min-max reset to [0,1] initialState[idleReactant][1] = 0 initialState[idleReactant][2] = 1 initialState[idleReactant][3] = minStep else: idleValue = 0 for reactant in sorted(allReactants, key=str): if reactant not in allReactants: error_msg = (f"Reactant '{reactant}' does not exist in this model.\n" f"Valid reactants are {allReactants}. Please, correct the value and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) # check if the proportions sum to 1 if reactant != idleReactant: pop = initialState[reactant] # modify (if necessary) the initial value if sumValues > 1: new_val = max(0, pop[0] + (1 - sumValues)) if not _almostEqual(pop[0], new_val): wrn_msg = f"WARNING! the initial value of reactant {reactant} has been changed to {new_val}\n" warn(wrn_msg, exceptions.MuMoTWarning) sumValues -= pop[0] sumValues += new_val initialState[reactant][0] = new_val # modify (if necessary) min-max if idleReactant is not None: pop = initialState[reactant] sumNorm = sumValues if sumValues <= 1 else 1 if pop[2] > (1 - sumNorm + pop[0] + idleValue): # max if pop[1] > (1 - sumNorm + pop[0] + idleValue): # min initialState[reactant][1] = (1 - sumNorm + pop[0] + idleValue) initialState[reactant][2] = (1 - sumNorm + pop[0] + idleValue) if pop[1] > (1 - sumNorm + pop[0]): # min initialState[reactant][1] = (1 - sumNorm + pop[0]) # initialState[reactant][3] = minStep if not _almostEqual(sumValues, 1): reactantToFix = sorted(allReactants, key=str)[0] if idleReactant is None else idleReactant new_val = 1 - sum([initialState[reactant][0] for reactant in allReactants if reactant != reactantToFix]) wrn_msg = f"WARNING! the initial value of reactant {reactantToFix} has been changed to {new_val}\n" warn(wrn_msg, exceptions.MuMoTWarning) initialState[reactantToFix][0] = new_val return [initialState, fixedBool] # print("Initial State is " + str(initialState)) if optionName == 'maxTime': return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=([2, 0.1, 3, 0.1] if extraParam == 'asNoise' else [defaults.MuMoTdefault._maxTime, defaults.MuMoTdefault._timeLimits[0], defaults.MuMoTdefault._timeLimits[1], defaults.MuMoTdefault._timeStep]), initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0, float("inf"))) if optionName == 'randomSeed': return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=np.random.randint(consts.MAX_RANDOM_SEED), initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(1, consts.MAX_RANDOM_SEED), onlyValue=True) if optionName == 'motionCorrelatedness': return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.05], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0, 1)) if optionName == 'particleSpeed': return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[0.01, 0.0, 0.1, 0.005], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0, 1)) if optionName == 'timestepSize': return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[1, 0.01, 1, 0.01], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0, float("inf"))) if optionName == 'netType': # check validity of the network type or init to default if inputValue is not None: decodedNetType = utils._decodeNetworkTypeFromString(inputValue) if decodedNetType is None: # terminating the process if the input argument is wrong error_msg = (f"The specified value for netType ={inputValue} is not valid. \n" "Accepted values are: 'full', 'erdos-renyi', 'barabasi-albert', and 'dynamic'.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) return [inputValue, True] else: decodedNetType = utils._decodeNetworkTypeFromString(initValues) if initValues is not None else None if decodedNetType is not None: # assigning the init value only if it's a valid value return [initValues, False] else: return ['full', False] # as default netType is set to 'full' # @todo: avoid that these value will be overwritten by _update_net_params() if optionName == 'netParam': netType = extraParam systemSize = extraParam2 # if netType is not fixed, netParam cannot be fixed if (not netType[-1]) and inputValue is not None: error_msg = ("If netType is not fixed, netParam cannot be fixed. " "Either leave free to widget the 'netParam' or fix the 'netType'.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) # check if netParam range is valid or set the correct default range (systemSize is necessary) if utils._decodeNetworkTypeFromString(netType[0]) == consts.NetworkType.FULLY_CONNECTED: return [0, 0, 0, False] elif utils._decodeNetworkTypeFromString(netType[0]) == consts.NetworkType.ERSOS_RENYI: return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[0.1, 0.1, 1, 0.1], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0.1, 1.0)) elif utils._decodeNetworkTypeFromString(netType[0]) == consts.NetworkType.BARABASI_ALBERT: maxEdges = systemSize - 1 return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[min(maxEdges, 3), 1, maxEdges, 1], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(1, maxEdges)) elif utils._decodeNetworkTypeFromString(netType[0]) == consts.NetworkType.SPACE: pass # method is not implemented elif utils._decodeNetworkTypeFromString(netType[0]) == consts.NetworkType.DYNAMIC: return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.05], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0, 1.0)) return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[0.5, 0, 1, 0.1], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0, float("inf"))) if optionName == 'plotProportions': return _parse_input_keyword_for_boolean_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValue=False, initValue=initValues, paramNameForErrorMsg=optionName) if optionName == 'realtimePlot': return _parse_input_keyword_for_boolean_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValue=False, initValue=initValues, paramNameForErrorMsg=optionName) if optionName == 'showTrace': return _parse_input_keyword_for_boolean_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValue=False, initValue=initValues, paramNameForErrorMsg=optionName) if optionName == 'showInteractions': return _parse_input_keyword_for_boolean_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValue=False, initValue=initValues, paramNameForErrorMsg=optionName) if optionName == 'visualisationType': if extraParam is not None: if extraParam == 'multiagent': validVisualisationTypes = ['evo', 'graph', 'final', 'barplot'] elif extraParam == "SSA": validVisualisationTypes = ['evo', 'final', 'barplot'] elif extraParam == "multicontroller": validVisualisationTypes = ['evo', 'final'] else: validVisualisationTypes = ['evo', 'graph', 'final'] if inputValue is not None: if inputValue not in validVisualisationTypes: # terminating the process if the input argument is wrong errorMsg = (f"The specified value for visualisationType = {inputValue} is not valid.\n" f"Valid values are: {validVisualisationTypes}. Please correct it and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(errorMsg) return [inputValue, True] else: if initValues in validVisualisationTypes: return [initValues, False] else: return ['evo', False] # as default visualisationType is set to 'evo' if optionName in ('final_x', 'final_y'): reactants_str = [str(reactant) for reactant in sorted(extraParam, key=str)] if inputValue is not None: inputValue = inputValue.replace('\\', '') if inputValue not in reactants_str: error_msg = (f"The specified value for {optionName} = {inputValue} is not valid.\n" f"Valid values are the reactants: {reactants_str}. Please correct it and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) else: return [inputValue, True] else: if initValues is not None: initValues = initValues.replace('\\', '') if initValues in reactants_str: return [initValues, False] else: if optionName == 'final_x' or len(reactants_str) == 1: return [reactants_str[0], False] # as default final_x is set to the first (sorted) reactant else: return [reactants_str[1], False] # as default final_y is set to the second (sorted) reactant if optionName == 'runs': return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=([20, 5, 100, 5] if extraParam == 'asNoise' else [1, 1, 20, 1]), initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(1, float("inf"))) if optionName == 'aggregateResults': return _parse_input_keyword_for_boolean_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValue=True, initValue=initValues, paramNameForErrorMsg=optionName) if optionName == 'initBifParam': return _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue=inputValue, defaultValueRangeStep=[defaults.MuMoTdefault._initialRateValue, defaults.MuMoTdefault._rateLimits[0], defaults.MuMoTdefault._rateLimits[1], defaults.MuMoTdefault._rateStep], initValueRangeStep=initValues, validRange=(0, float("inf"))) return [None, False] # default output for unknown optionName def _get_item_from_params_list(params: List[str], targetName: str) -> Optional[str]: """Params is a list (rather than a dictionary) and this method is necessary to fetch the value by name.""" for param in params: if param[0] == targetName or param[0].replace('\\', '') == targetName or param[0].replace('_', '_{') + '}' == targetName: return param[1] return None def _almostEqual(a: float, b: float) -> bool: epsilon = 0.0000001 return abs(a - b) < epsilon def _parse_input_keyword_for_numeric_widgets( inputValue: Optional[object], defaultValueRangeStep: List[object], initValueRangeStep: List[object], validRange: Optional[List[object]] = None, onlyValue: Optional[bool] = False) -> List[object]: """Parse an input keyword and set initial range and default values (when the input is a slider-widget). Check if the fixed value is not None, otherwise it returns the default value (samewise for ``initRange`` and ``defaultRange``). The optional parameter ``validRange`` is use to check if the fixedValue has a usable value. If the ``defaultValue`` is out of the ``initRange``, the default value is move to the closest of the initRange extremes. Parameters ---------- inputValue : object if not ``None`` it indicated the fixed value to use defaultValueRangeStep : list of object Default set of values in the format ``[val,min,max,step]`` initValueRangeStep : list of object User-specified set of values in the format ``[val,min,max,step]`` validRange : list of object, optional The min and max accepted values ``[min,max]`` onlyValue : bool, optional If ``True`` then ``defaultValueRangeStep`` and ``initValueRangeStep`` are only a single value Returns ------- values : list of object Contains a list of five items (start-value, min-value, max-value, step-size, fixed). if onlyValue, it's only two items (start-value, fixed). The item fixed is a bool. If ``True`` the value is fixed (partial controller active), if ``False`` the widget will be created. """ outputValues = defaultValueRangeStep if not onlyValue else [defaultValueRangeStep] if not onlyValue: if initValueRangeStep is not None and getattr(initValueRangeStep, "__getitem__", None) is None: error_msg = (f"initValueRangeStep value '{initValueRangeStep}' must be specified in the format [val,min,max,step].\n" "Please, correct the value and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) if inputValue is not None: if not isinstance(inputValue, numbers.Number): error_msg = (f"Input value '{inputValue}' is not a numeric vaule and must be a number.\n" "Please, correct the value and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) elif validRange and (inputValue < validRange[0] or inputValue > validRange[1]): error_msg = (f"Input value '{inputValue}' has raised out-of-range exception. Valid range is {validRange}\n" "Please, correct the value and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) else: if onlyValue: return [inputValue, True] else: outputValues[0] = inputValue outputValues.append(True) # it is not necessary to modify the values [min,max,step] because when last value is True, they should be ignored return outputValues if initValueRangeStep is not None: if onlyValue: if validRange and (initValueRangeStep < validRange[0] or initValueRangeStep > validRange[1]): error_msg = (f"Invalid init value={initValueRangeStep} has raised out-of-range exception. Valid range is {validRange}\n" "Please, correct the value and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) else: outputValues = [initValueRangeStep] else: if initValueRangeStep[1] > initValueRangeStep[2] or initValueRangeStep[0] < initValueRangeStep[1] or initValueRangeStep[0] > initValueRangeStep[2]: error_msg = (f"Invalid init range [val,min,max,step]={initValueRangeStep}. Value must be within min and max values.\n" "Please, correct the value and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) elif validRange and (initValueRangeStep[1] < validRange[0] or initValueRangeStep[2] > validRange[1]): error_msg = (f"Invalid init range [val,min,max,step]={initValueRangeStep} has raised out-of-range exception. Valid range is {validRange}\n" "Please, correct the value and retry.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(error_msg) else: outputValues = initValueRangeStep outputValues.append(False) return outputValues def _parse_input_keyword_for_boolean_widgets(inputValue, defaultValue, initValue=None, paramNameForErrorMsg=None): """Parse an input keyword and set initial range and default values (when the input is a boolean checkbox) check if the fixed value is not None, otherwise it returns the default value. Parameters ---------- inputValue : object If not None it indicates the fixed value to use defaultValue : bool dafault boolean value Returns ------- value : object The keyword value; 'fixed' is a boolean. fixed : bool If True the value is fixed (partial controller active); if False the widget will be created. """ if inputValue is not None: if not isinstance(inputValue, bool): # terminating the process if the input argument is wrong paramNameForErrorMsg = f"for {paramNameForErrorMsg} = " if paramNameForErrorMsg else "" errorMsg = (f"The specified value {paramNameForErrorMsg}'{inputValue}' is not valid. \n" "The value must be a boolean True/False.") raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(errorMsg) return [inputValue, True] else: if isinstance(initValue, bool): return [initValue, False] else: return [defaultValue, False] def _process_params(params): paramsRet = [] paramNames, paramValues = zip(*params) for name in paramNames: # self._paramNames.append(name.replace('\\','')) ## @todo: have to rationalise how LaTeX characters are handled if name in ('plotLimits', 'systemSize'): paramsRet.append(name) else: expr = parse_latex(name.replace('\\\\', '\\')) atoms = expr.atoms() if len(atoms) > 1: raise exceptions.MuMoTSyntaxError(f"Non-singleton parameter name in parameter {name}") for atom in atoms: # parameter name should contain a single atom pass paramsRet.append(atom) return (paramsRet, paramValues) def _decodeNetworkTypeFromString(netTypeStr: str) -> Optional[consts.NetworkType]: # init the network type admissibleNetTypes = {'full': consts.NetworkType.FULLY_CONNECTED, 'erdos-renyi': consts.NetworkType.ERSOS_RENYI, 'barabasi-albert': consts.NetworkType.BARABASI_ALBERT, 'dynamic': consts.NetworkType.DYNAMIC} if netTypeStr not in admissibleNetTypes: raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(f"ERROR! Invalid network type argument! Valid strings are: {admissibleNetTypes}") return admissibleNetTypes.get(netTypeStr, None) def _encodeNetworkTypeToString(netType: consts.NetworkType) -> Optional[str]: # init the network type netTypeEncoding = {consts.NetworkType.FULLY_CONNECTED: 'full', consts.NetworkType.ERSOS_RENYI: 'erdos-renyi', consts.NetworkType.BARABASI_ALBERT: 'barabasi-albert', consts.NetworkType.DYNAMIC: 'dynamic'} if netType not in netTypeEncoding: raise exceptions.MuMoTValueError(f"ERROR! Invalid netTypeEncoding table! Tried to encode network type: {netType}") return netTypeEncoding.get(netType, 'none') def _round_to_1(x): """Used for determining significant digits for axes formatting in plots MuMoTstreamView and MuMoTbifurcationView.""" if x == 0: return 1 return round(x, -int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(x))))) def _make_autopct(values): def my_autopct(pct): total = sum(values) val = int(round(pct * total / 100.0)) return '{p:.2f}% ({v:d})'.format(p=pct, v=val) return my_autopct